I'm going to introduce a little bit about myself on this page and update every month, so that I can connect with you better and hope that you feel my artworks closer.

My art supplies (some of those)
I use mainly acrylic and pastels. When I was a high school student, they recommended us to use acrylic ( I think because it is easy to use ). When I was in art college, my major was Design, so no one taught me how to use oil paint unless we take oil painting classes. Many people say that if you want to be a serious painter, you better to use oil painting instead of acrylics. Maybe. But I'm ok so far with acrylic and there are many medium to make a painting look like an oil painting. If there is a chance to learn oil painting, I would, but so far, I'm good with acrylic paint and I'd rather to work on new paintings if there's more time!

Jaco Pastorius / Jaco Pastorius (1976)
I found this American jazz bassist before I've moved to NY.
It was sensational when I listened to this album for the first time.
Especially Track 4 and 9.
His sound is so creative, imaginative, ephemeral and powerful. I love his second album "Word of Mouth"also. He died in 1987, aged 35. Why do many talented people die so young?
Great album.
I have many memories in this record.

Breathless (1960)
Directed by Jean-Luc Godard.
I love movies like everyone. Especially when I was in an art university, I watched so many movies. Checked local rental store often and rented many movies. This movie is my all time favorite. The story is very simple. A selfish man and free spirited woman fall in love. I don't think that they are looking for a relationship though. What I like about this movie is silent scenes without words. It captured some kind of French perfume that I feel like I can smell.
Someone said that creating artworks is like expressing perfume.
That is so true.

Just in case someone wonders if I get paid to mention some products here -
No I get zero money. All the product that I want to introduce here is purely my favorite items.
I tried many kinds of ground coffee and I found my favorite one.
Nice acidity, smoky flavor, bitter but not too heavy....and organic!
I buy some of those from Target online store, but if someone knows other ways to get those with cheaper price, let me know!
And to drink this delicious coffee, I use this tumbler.
I loooove this mug. First of all, design. The simplest form and cool color.
Thick enough to wash this with my hand ( a long stick sponge isn't needed)
And it retains heat up to 12 hours and stays cold up to 24 hours.
You can find this product by searching "the Fellow Store".
I will mention painting process and some meanings of works too...
If there is any requests or opinion, anything just let me know 👉 macoon@email.com.
I'd be happy to hear from you!
By the way, English isn't my first language, so excuse my grammar or childish paragraphs.
I'll do my bast to introduce myself little by little
to communicate with people who like my artworks.
Thank you for stopping by.
Have a nice summer time, everyone!